1. Honeydew by Edith Pearlman
Pearlman writes quiet stories about theblips of tumult . She's been writing short stories -- and only short stories --for decades, chronicling the lives of earnest blue collar workers and whimsicalacademics. Most of the stories are set in her native Massachusetts; all of themreveal something tender and universal about everyday life.
2. Fools by Joan Silber
Each story in Fools confronts the question:What makes an action foolish, as opposed to brave? And when is it better to befoolish, as opposed to steadfast in our established beliefs?
3. Single, Carefree, Mellow by KatherineHeiny
Katherine Heiny writes stories that quietlyhighlight the dramas of dating life, from teenagehood through adulthood. Heinywrites about both lovers growing estranged through social media, and younggirls learning about the power of their own sexualities, with wry humor.
4. When I Was a Child I Read Books byMarilynne Robinson
Marilynne In When I Was a Child I Read Books,Robinson fluidly contemplates significance of community and the power of theindividual. You don't have to be a religious thinker to find beauty inRobinson's poetic musings.
5. The Double Life of Liliane by Lily Tuck
Lily Tuck's latest novel isn't exactly amemoir, but it sits somewhere between novel and autobiography, blurring thelines between related memory and imagined possible scenarios. Like Tuck,heroine Liliane's parents divorced when she was young, wreaking personal havocthat mirrored the tragedies unfolding in Europe at the same time.
6. Neverhome by Laird Hunt
Hunt tells his story about a womandisguised as a male solider through letters. The story is loosely based on abundle of letters Hunt stumbled upon written by a real undercover femalesoldier and is a smart work of historical fiction that encouragescontemplation.
7. Infinite Home by Kathleen Alcott
Protagonist Edith has built a happy familyof her own among her tenants -- until she gets slammed with potential evictionas her mind begins to worsen. The unsteady state of their home and theirlandlady forges an even closer bond between the housemates in this lyricalmeditation on what really makes up a family.
8. Here by Richard McGuire
This book is a heartwarming time capsule,and fluid look at the way our interior lives have evolved, and how they'veremained the same.
9. The Folded Clock by Heidi Julavits
The Folded Clock is a Diary, a collectionof musings written offhandedly each day by its author. It's been scrubbed ofidentifying details, but otherwise remains a deeply personal collection ofthoughts about motherhood, language, and what success really means.
10. Can't and Won't by Lydia Davis
Davis' stories are quick, dreamy snapshotsof a mood or a sentiment, and they take the shape of the idle thoughts thatmake up most of our days. Davis's spare language is comforting and digestible,but leaves ample room for contemplation and imagination, too.